«AQUA Prestige 2019» contest


Contest is finished
Архитектурное бюро «КБ 11», г. Уфа
«3D projects. Wellness Area» nomination

The basis of the stylistic decision — Roman terms. Roman terms are more than a place for washing dirty and tired bodies. Almost all cultural life took place in terms. The main compositional element is stylized semicircular arches. The walls are double-layered, whales are depicted on the lower concrete layer, which creates the illusion of the underwater world. The multifunctionality of the spa zone leads to the need for a clear separation of space. They are also denoted by Roman terms: a tepiarium, caldarium and hrigidarium, which reveal functional zones, scenarios of their use. Tepidarium (warm zone) is a place for communication, recreation, conversation, its script is designed for both large companies and small groups of visitors. Curtains on round eaves allow you to create different patterns. Especially for the project, modular furniture was developed, which is companied depending on the ideas of the spa visitors. Caldarium (hot zone) — includes saunas and showers. The frigidarium (cold zone) is a swimming pool and a place for the adoption of spa procedures.

Of particular importance is the navigation, contrasting with the overall color palette. The bright orange line leads the visitor from space to space, creating, thereby, additional comfort and convenience.

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